[ANN]: AsdGraph3D Excel Addin v1.2
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J & L Associates
2008-06-23 11:24:35 UTC
J & L is pleased to announce the availability of AsdGraph3D Excel Addin


This new version adds:
- silky smooth rotation with an ArcBall interface,
- an option to plot data as paired line segments and
- support for color attributes for individual data points

AsdGraph3D is an OpenGL-based Excel Addin that plots 3D points, lines,
surfaces or water-tight solids directly from user-specified cell ranges
within MS Excel worksheets (of one or several open workbooks). Unlike other
3D plotters, AsdGraph3D works seamlessly within Excel, i.e., no flipping
back and forth between Excel and a separate, disjoint 3D plotting package.
AsdGrapg3D is both an end-user product and a developer tool. For developers,
AsdGraph3D provides an extensive set of API that is callable from VB, VBA,
JavaScript and C++ clients.


J & L Associates
Tang Sir
2008-06-23 11:36:06 UTC
Please don't SPAM !!!!
Post by J & L Associates
J & L is pleased to announce the availability of AsdGraph3D Excel Addin
- silky smooth rotation with an ArcBall interface,
- an option to plot data as paired line segments and
- support for color attributes for individual data points
AsdGraph3D is an OpenGL-based Excel Addin that plots 3D points, lines,
surfaces or water-tight solids directly from user-specified cell ranges
within MS Excel worksheets (of one or several open workbooks). Unlike other
3D plotters, AsdGraph3D works seamlessly within Excel, i.e., no flipping
back and forth between Excel and a separate, disjoint 3D plotting package.
AsdGrapg3D is both an end-user product and a developer tool. For developers,
AsdGraph3D provides an extensive set of API that is callable from VB, VBA,
JavaScript and C++ clients.
J & L Associates
2008-06-23 11:36:07 UTC
I see SPAM
Post by J & L Associates
J & L is pleased to announce the availability of AsdGraph3D Excel Addin
- silky smooth rotation with an ArcBall interface,
- an option to plot data as paired line segments and
- support for color attributes for individual data points
AsdGraph3D is an OpenGL-based Excel Addin that plots 3D points, lines,
surfaces or water-tight solids directly from user-specified cell ranges
within MS Excel worksheets (of one or several open workbooks). Unlike other
3D plotters, AsdGraph3D works seamlessly within Excel, i.e., no flipping
back and forth between Excel and a separate, disjoint 3D plotting package.
AsdGrapg3D is both an end-user product and a developer tool. For developers,
AsdGraph3D provides an extensive set of API that is callable from VB, VBA,
JavaScript and C++ clients.
J & L Associates
2008-06-23 11:39:42 UTC
Post by J & L Associates
J & L is pleased to announce the availability of AsdGraph3D Excel Addin
- silky smooth rotation with an ArcBall interface,
- an option to plot data as paired line segments and
- support for color attributes for individual data points
AsdGraph3D is an OpenGL-based Excel Addin that plots 3D points, lines,
surfaces or water-tight solids directly from user-specified cell ranges
within MS Excel worksheets (of one or several open workbooks). Unlike other
3D plotters, AsdGraph3D works seamlessly within Excel, i.e., no flipping
back and forth between Excel and a separate, disjoint 3D plotting package.
AsdGrapg3D is both an end-user product and a developer tool. For developers,
AsdGraph3D provides an extensive set of API that is callable from VB, VBA,
JavaScript and C++ clients.
J & L Associates
2008-06-23 12:23:25 UTC
By spamming here all you do is lose a potential customer.

I will never buy from a spammer, no matter how good their
product is.
